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Animals Chasing Me

Published by sweet slumber in the Dream Diary sweet slumber's Dream Diary. Views: 809


This is part of a much larger dream, but this is what I remember. I'm coming out of a big barn that's contains a lot of animals including horses, ponies, and goats. I'm on a bike that won't go fast enough for me. Perhaps my legs arent' strong enough, but these animals are chasing me and gaining.

I finally end up at a house and I'm with a woman who insists on leaving the door open. There are two black leopards lying down beside the car and I fear they will wake up and come in. I plead with her to close the door and finally she does and the leopards wake up. Then I notice the window has no pane or screen. It's just open and I yell that we've got to cover the window before they come in.

That's all I remember.
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