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A Dirty Apartment and A Savannah Cat
Published by sweet slumber in the Dream Diary sweet slumber's Dream Diary. Views: 1012
I'm with my friends Sylvia and Frances. We are in a shabby, dusty, and dirty apartment which has furnishings that are old and worn out. We are living in this place because it's the only apartment dwelling that allows pets. My friends have a cat, a Savannah and it stays on a cart with blanket and pillow. It growls whenever someone tries to remove it or the furnishings of the cart. I stay away from it and it's OK as long as people leave it alone. It's big and dark in color.
Earlier, I was living in an apartment but it got rented out to someone else and my friend Lucy found this apartment next door to hers. Then Sylvia and Frances move in with me with the cat. I don't remember much else, but the part with the cat is most vivid.
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