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Dreaming of a dream
Published by Victoria in the Dream Diary Victoria's Dream Diary. Views: 2176
I had the strangest dream
I dreamt that I was in my house looking out the window downstairs
I was with my mom and I was telling her water had come into the garden and left a lake there
I said to her in the dream
This is strange .. Because I dream and predicted this happening last night ???
(Weird to talk about dreams in a dream I think )
We went to the back door in the kitchen
A old otherworldly man ( he felt like a holy man he had like a pope quality in the sense I knew he was special )
Floated in a seated position to a spot in the garden.
The water that had entered the garden had made a part of my garden rise
The man floated to the risen area and was looking to get something from under it ?
People were gathering in my garden like it was a historical find , super special and watching him get something from my garden
I woke up but it didn't feel like a dream ...
Does any one know what this means please ?
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