Last night I had a very odd dream. It took place in a tall, white, cyclindrical building (similar to the Casino here in Hobart). It featured two men in cars driving through the corridors of the building in a race to become Pope. I think they were in search of a special room which would make the first to reach it Pope. Funnily enough there was a lot of white in this dream. White building, white cars and white outfits of the Pope's to be. In terms of understanding this dream I should state that I am not Catholic or religious and my only interest in the Papacy is an historical one. The new Pope was in my dream and the winning of the race / search.
I guess the Pope has been in the news a lot lately, so it's pretty normal to think about that even if you're not Catholic - I'm not either but I still think of the Pope as fairly important. White is connected with purity, spirituality and immortality, angels and suchlike, so it could be that the Pope dying has made your sleeping mind think about more spiritual matters.