It started off and I had come back to my hometown, I went down an alley where some of my family was having a fire. But as I looked more closely at them, they looked more like homeless people, my mom and aunt looked like prostitutes/meth heads. I backed away from them confused and ran into a dirty bathroom. My aunt and mother followed me, as we looked in the dirty mirror, I noticed how old I look. And they both bragged about how messed up they were on drugs. Apparently it was New Years Eve. Then I ran until I reached a random forest, some of my friends were there and they were all dressed up. They said it was Halloween and I needed a costume. They put my in a 'dead barbie' one and made fun of me the whole night for looking so skanky. But I had not dressed myself, they had, so I was confused. Anyhow, one of my friends was dressed up like a dead tree and was trying to scare people, and a girl I do not like but used to be friends with was dressed as a ghost. She could actually go through trees. There was also a random barn there and it was filled with dead dogs.
Lots of vivid imagery here. I wonder if the fire represents rebirth or renewal. Everything else seems to suggest death and ruin. This could be a symbol for what's going on internally. Do you feel you are stuck in a rut and looking for something new in order to feel alive again. Are you in transition between relationships, a job, or school?