I had a dream about my ex-boyfriend - I was in bed sleeping, he showed up drunk and called me on my phone while standing in the room with me, talked about this venture to make money he was getting into - was really overly friendly and funny. I tried not to wake up in the dream. He then pulled his pants to his knees and lay down next to me. It was not his face or voice but the face and voice of an actor on TV - he continued talking fast and laughing then he told me I had fat eyes. I got out of bed to get ready for work and was sitting on the floor putting on my socks - he came over with his pants still to his knees, did a dancing thing at me while talking - then I heard a noise, looked out my bedroom door and my son and my ex husband came into my place my ex husband carrying my sons bike. I told me ex boyfriend he had to leave and woke up soon after.
It's hard to say what the dream is about without knowing more about you and your ex-boyfriend, what your relationship was like and why your broke up. Your boyfriend having the face and voice of an actor can mean that you feel that he isn't/wasn't being himself. Pulling his pants down could be about him revealing something that he had hidden before. Would it have been normal for your ex-boyfriend to show up drunk? If not, being drunk could be about revealing one's "true self". When we're drunk we loosen our inhibitions.
Wow - that is actually insightful Ok so more info about us: My ex-boyfriend and I have a past history - we dated when I was 16 - my father and minister convinced him to stop seeing me, he was 4 years older and they thought he was too old for me, we snuck out twice and got caught both times, he actually gave me my very first kiss on the beach. We dated again when I was 21 - due to a misunderstanding we both thought the other was not interested in being together. 19 years later we reconnected via facebook. We began talking and then saw each other once a week for about a month, then he broke up with him telling me he was going to give his ex another chance. Broke my heart. Was really difficult because he told me he had never stopped loving me and how much our breaking up had hurt him so many years ago. He had also told me that he had never loved his ex - that the thing they fought over the most was how he couldn't give to her emotionally the way she wanted - but he did with me, opened up completely, tears in his eyes when he told me how much it hurt when we broke up 19 years ago. So I am utterly confused. I was there, I saw the way he looked at me, I saw the way his body responded to my simple touch on his arm. The gentle way he stroked my face and looked at me. (oops sorry, got on a rant there) Its been tough, he wants to stay friends and I am trying but have stopped calling him, it hurts too much, but he calls me from time to time. He never explained to me why he decided to leave me and go back to his ex. I have been thinking it was because he is scared to get hurt with me again, but I am afraid that is my ego talking. I have thought that there is something he is purposely not telling me, and I have never pushed him to explain anything to me, letting him do it at his own speed. What you said fits, it does seem that since we broke up, the few times we have seen each other (we have dinner every now and then) he is not the same happy man I knew, he had once told me that his friends don't like who he is when he is with her, and I guess I can see why. I have never seen him drunk, our relationship has never been one where we were drinking. I think what you have described makes alot of sense. If you have any further insight I would be appreciative. I am trying to put him away into my past, and think this dream may be a part of my subconscious trying to deal with the whole thing.