I had a dream where i was in a one room apartment about big enough to hold a bed and that is all . I looked at the bed and their was a woman laying there like no one i have ever seen . not from tv or in real life . she was kinda realy pale but not pale like sickly . she had bright white hair not like the kind you get from age but anyways . i remember touching her arm and realizing it was me yet i was looking at her and sensed it was me . I remember she reached up and touched my other arm and i squealed like a little girl being scared. Now mind you im a male in his late 30's and was in my dream . next thing i know i wake up in the dream and im on a porch sipping coffee overlooking water passing by like being on a boat and ask how long and am told a week . I then woke up . I know dreams are usually suppose to symbolize somthing but what do you think this means ? Any help would useful thanks . mjb1994
It's hard to draw conclusions from a single, brief episode. If this were my dream, I'd see the woman as what is called an anima figure, and one out (as any woman might be) to make a strong first impression. (A figure of the opposite sex is common in dreams. In men, it is called the anima, in women, the animus.) If you continue to keep track of your dreams, you'll more likely than not she is both friendly and helpful, though in ways that may be hard to understand. I'm going to guess that, even if that porch is on land, you are indeed on something like a sea voyage - a journey, if you will - and that during the coming week you'll be given clues what it's all about. Don't worry if they are beyond your understanding. There's quite a language barrier between the dreamworld and the waking world. Do your best to keep track of your dreams the next few nights; but concentrate on what has happened rather than on trying to interpret in depth. And, of course, feel free to keep posting.