I had a dream that had me on a boat with my husband. He was steering the boat and all I wanted to do was go back as we got further out. The waves became bigger and bigger but made it over them fine. When we did start to head home there was people on land saying they can't see the shark then we saw the movement under the water so i took my leg out of the water. We made it back safe. All through this time I was pregnant in my first trimester so I couldn't tell anyone. So much happened in my dream I am unsure what they could mean all together.
Do you feel that your husband makes decisions against your wishes? Do you worry about him making bad decisions that could cause both of you harm? Are you thinking about or trying to get pregnant in waking life? Pregnancy in a dream can have to do with planning the creation of something. Do you feel like your own plans are ignored (can't tell anybody about it)?