I had a dream the other night that was very vivid. The colors were real, the faces were real and the action was fast. It felt as if I was in a movie. Your Dreams Interpreted
Watching a movie would usually imply looking at one’s own illusions and delusions. Thus feeling that you are actually in a movie could imply that you are living in a delusion; that you are taking illusions and delusions for reality. Note how actors in a movie must convey the impression that what they are doing is reality. The scene may also be commenting upon emotions that seem real (colours were real) but could still not relate with reality. The faces were real can also imply that you are living with an illusion about certain people’s real self identity (just as an actor off screen is not the same person as he was on screen.) You may also have some delusions about living an action packed life (the action was fast) This kind of life is not most people’s reality. Note how the issue of reality is emphasized by your mentioning that the colours and faces were real. It may be REALITY that you need to put more focus upon.