Hi, I'm new here and thought I would share my most recent dream. This account will be a joint account, RC being my significant other and SC being me =). can't wait to share dreams and interpretations! In my most recent memorable dream my family finally passed down to me the word that our family uses when doing magic, and the rest of the dream was spent practicing using the word and training etc. when I woke up from the dream I remembered everything but the word. My interpretations: -I am lacking satisfaction of family interaction. -I really can do magic, I just don't know the word (hehe) -I had found something out about myself (consciously or subconsciously) that I was quick to forget, but would be worth remembering. I don't quite know, what do you guys think? -SC
All your interpretations sound good. "Magic" doesn't have to literally be magic, but maybe a skill or talent that you didn't realize that you had.