I woke up and I had a huge line of blisters running down my face from the top of my forehead and then it went down in a curved line down the side of my head following my hairline and it was only half of my head and I could cover most of it with my hair but it disgusting and I was freaking out about the whole time. I kept asking my mom to get rid of it and she kept telling me to go outside and give it air and I said air would make it worse. Then people came over and I got really scared because I didn’t want people to see me face but nobody even noticed. A group of kids ran through the door and said they were spending the night and were handing out candy, I declined the candy because I said I was fasting and on a diet and I didn’t really like candy anyway and they looked at me strangely and walked away. I kept running to the bathroom to stare at my face. Then I think I woke up, I don’t know, I can’t remember the rest. Then I fell back asleep and had another dream. I was on this island with a group of guys and we were searching the see is dinosaurs were still alive. All the guys would fight over who got to hold my hand and it made me feel happy compared to the dream I had the night before.The guys would give my gifts and be all nice and offer to do my jobs for me. Then they would get in fights and in the end when I walking back to the car I grabbed some guys’ hand and waked back to the car. I don’t remember much of this dream but I kinda wish I did. Anyway, the last dream was about me. I was upset about something and I was all by myself at home. I didn’t know how to cheer myself up so I just ate and ate and ate and stuffed my face until I felt numb and about burst. Then I started to cry even more and felt so bad afterwards because of all the guilt and pain and i was going to get fat and it was horrible. I literally woke up crying and was full of fear and panic and I couldn’t stop crying until I realized that it didn’t happen and i didn't eat my weight in food and i'm not going to get fat and it was just so much stress. What I hate about these dreams as they feel so real, I woke like I normally would in the morning and walk downstairs and all the feelings of a real binge were there and I just couldn’t handle it. This was the second time this month that I had this dream but I don’t know why.
Themes running through all these dreams seem to have to do with being worried about how you appear to others and wanting other people to like you/find you attractive.