Hi, I had this really weird dream, and I am looking for interpertations. Here it comes: I am in a car. It is somewhat dark outside, because of the poluted air. There is a factory next to me. The car is driving me and some other children to some places, where we ''need'' to be. So the car stops at the factory and I leave the car. The road is empty, and the erea is abandoned. Suddenly everybody steps out of the car(just 2 minutes after I left the car). I run to the car and I ask: ''what's going on''? They say they took a break. I stay with them and suddenly there is this hole in the air(!), and there is forming some sort of thing out of the air. I notice it has become a tornado!!! Everybody from the car panics en starts running around(although there is nowhere to go).
This is what the dream dictionary says: I was also going to direct you to the page on Dreams and Weather, but I realized I haven't written it yet! I'll have to do it tomorrow.