Most of the time i dont remember any of my dreams, last night i remembered three. && All three were about My ex Mike. :? Hellp ? In one, i was waiting for him at the bus stop he asked me back out at after we broke up one time. & He was taking to long so i called his house and he was sleeping so i walked there to wake him up & he came down in tidy whiteys and was like "What time is it?" and im like "1:30" and hes like "fuck" and he goes somewhere && comes back in all black then puts on a red vampire cape. Then i woke up. Then, Another one, we were upstairs in his house and like. he was showing me all these websites, only they werent on a computer, they were like Out. Almost like peices of paper. & there were songs on each one. & one was his voice and it was like "I love you" So i started pushing them away and i pushed him & he fell into a pool ? Then I woke up Ok. Then the last big one. Was him in his living room && he was crying. & i was upstairs and Kasey told me to go talk to him. So i did. ANd i over heard him saying "I hate her i never want to see or talk to her again" and i went up to him and was like "Come on" and hes like "Where?" and im like "we're gunna talk" and hes like "No" And i was like "Mike You told me that if i came after you and got you, that You would let me talk" and he just laughed. and he started to get up & i woke up
I think the vampire image has to do with "raising the dead", that is, re-igniting your relationship. But vampires are dangerous creatures so I think that is telling you that it might be a good idea. A pool could stand for cleansing things/starting fresh. were songs on each one. & one was his voice and it was like "I love you" So i started pushing them away and i pushed him & he fell into a pool ? Then I woke up I think in general the dream is showing that you have mixed feelings about him.