I have a reoccurring dream and just wonder if any might know what it means. I'm in my van, sometimes with my kids some times its just me. But anyways a car pulls up usually a convertible. It has two guys with dark hair, with white shirts and black leather jackets and with them is a lady with long straight black hair wearing a white trench coat. I dont know what they want, but I think they are trying to get in my car. Last time I had this dream the lady git my back door open ( locks didn't work) and stuck her hand in. I got it out, but then as the two men were ruining to my car, I woke up.
I like the black, white contrasts. The vehicles contrast as well---one closed and one open. It can offer a wide variety of interpretations. It could mean that two people differ in opinions, and one sees things in black & white and is rather closed minded.