Hi, im having trouble understanding the dream i experienced last nite so i thought id see if anyone could help figure out what it means. Fell asleep las nite on my side n didnt realize i had fallen asleep untill my vision was as if i was in a warp n was juttering, i could make out a figure of a woman neeling next to my bed so i could jus make out her head and shoulders right infront of me but because of the way my vision was blurred and juttering she was just a figure of light. Then i felt cold hands come from behind me and started tightening around me neck. first i thought it was someone coming into wake me up but then realized it wasent and i was in a dream so started crying out for help n my arms were shaking. i managed to wake myself up and my arms were still shaking violently and i was gasping for breath and wondered if i had actually shouted out as i had been trying to. I woke up in the same position i had fallen asleep in which was the same as in my dream. Any idea at all what this could mean? As i started to fal asleep again bout 20mins later n the whole vision juttering came back so i stayed awake instead. thanks for your time, xXx
Not that i can think of...i dont really know many girls as friends so i was wondering if it was someone maybe warning me?
It isn't that much to go on, probably someone close to you doesn't like you that is about as much as i can get from it.