I was very stressed about my job. I dreamt that I was in front of a church (I have never been to this church; it was like we were travelling on vacation or something and while walking we came across this church) with my parents and a man dressed in immaculate white clothes approaches us through a side door and talks to us. He says he did not know I was my parents child implying he knew my parents. I could not see his eyes they were looking towards the floor all the time he talked to us. Then he said I will give you some souveniers of this place and he gave what looked like a metal keychain with god's engraving and suddenly I saw two or three different engravings of God and then the dream ended. Soon after my job ended and I moved in with my parents and I am still looking for a proper job.
Are you a religious person? This dream could be a way of giving you confidence for your job search. The engravings seem like good luck tokens.