I have been thinking ALOT about my sexual dreams. I can Remember the first one really well. I was maybe 9 or 10 at the time. I am now 14. I believe this maybe be the first sexually related dream i ever had. I am looking at this beautiful blonde woman, aged maybe 20/21. I look her a smooth, thin legs, and run my hand up them, i then move toward her and lie down, sit up, my back at a 45 degree angle from touching the floor and facing the floor. She moves towards me, and i look into her deep blue eyes. It goes black and it feels like im kissing her, i stop and look up, she is laughing and a man beside her is laughing. I then realise that i had been kissing her vagina. Can you tell me what this means? Strange for such a young age.
Yeah i know that, but i've only started going throught the stages of puberty, my voice is breaking at the moment.