I will say I am a lucid dreamer. I will come into some form of consciousness and can realize I'm in a dream while dreaming. So I apparently did not manifest this dream as fear physically after waking from it. Anywho, I remember the first dream I had last night. I was in a room with someone, unfortunately I can't put a name or face to this person, I do believe it was a female, but we were having a casual conversation which at some point apparently switched to a topic of tornadoes. I was laying across a bed while chatting with this person...suddenly a strong gust of wind occurred. I remember looking toward this person with somewhat wide eyes and I remember a slight smirk on my face. The bed I was on began to move and I believe it may have flipped over, I do not recall being hurt. It seemed the windstorm/tornado wasn't that violent or long because it seemed as soon as the wind started it was over. There did not appear to be any significant damage. The sky was white greyish like, it seemed like a regular overcast day when the wind started. I didn't feel scared it was more like a weird we were just talking about this and it happened which apparently manifested itself as a smirk on my face. Then I woke up. I will say that in my waking life I am going through a stressful time at the moment with a relationship where my SO is going through lots of family turmoil as well as personal illness and work related stresses. This caused me to suggest that if he didn't feel he had the energy at the moment to carry a relationship that we take a break. At this moment we have not had contact with each other since Last Wed. and I suppose it's weighing on me as to the end result of this "pause" in our relationship. I did also have an issue with a friendship he has with a woman but we seemed to have gotten over that issue with him apparently having a talk with this friend about boundaries as she tried to over step some and push their relationship into another realm to which he said he was not interested in both to me and expressed to her but they are still hanging out as friends so that weighs on me too since I already knew that I couldn't trust this woman and she recently proved my feelings of distrust valid. Anywho, hope someone can give some insight.
First off, I associate the word "smirk" with the sort of smile one flashes when coming on not just as superior, but also as at least slightly snotty. Have you in recent days perhaps been coming on this way? And has it "upset things"? (Could that flipped-over bed be a sight gag?) You might try some free asociation to your dream companion and see what you come up with. What is there about her that would make you want to "upset" her? Or was that perhaps an unintended consequence.
Adding on to what Bob said, the idea of you creating a tornado while talking to someone in bed about them (making something happen by talking about it characteristic of lucid dreams) makes me think of something sexual. You say you have been on a break, so sexual frustration could be an issue in the dream as well.
I could see both views. The person that I was talking to was actually across the room from me and I do recall it being a female. I was laying horizontally across the bed carrying on a conversation with them. I really don't know what the context was but I do remember having a short convo about tornadoes and then shortly after the wind started. I will say that I am sexually frustrated along with just recalling in my mind things about our relationship and time together hoping that this isn't the end. I guess in some ways I hope this dream is somewhat prophetic in that the windstorm (turmoil) was short lived and I came through unscathed. Perhaps the smirk is a way of saying "Ha Ha" to the negative thoughts or energy I am currently feeling? It was just a stand out dream that night. I did have another but that one is just very convoluted. My second dream was a dream that I was in a Wal-mart with a bunch of strangers but some gunmen were threatening to shoot/blow up this wal-mart and the widespread panic of such a terror event. I have no idea what that could've meant just sounds like a nonsense dream.