Hey friends, last nights events a little something like this... I was in a country that felt like it was fresh out of third world life and just into first world life, it felt life south-africa maybe. Well I was walking around an apartment complex and there were these young kids who wanted to play with me, so they were jumping on me and we were running around chasing each other. After some playing we came to be in front of a spa and the kids and I were tired so after they jumped on me one more time they ran off laughing, in the corner of my eye I saw there were three figures in the spa. One, and elderly woman. Two, a middle-aged man. Three a child. They all looked really large and were wearing dark cloak things and crocodile/alligator skulls on their heads. To me it seemed normal, I thought they were tourists or something. Then I believe the elderly woman spoke to me "Excuse me, we have a great problem and would ask for your wisdom." I'm thinking, do they think I'm wise because I was playing with the local kids?? I replied to her "Before I even ask for details about your problem, I feel you are wise enough to handle it on your own because you have the courage to talk to a complete stranger." Then the man said " You are truly wise indeed. What advice would you give to someone without the courage to talk to a stranger?" I was wondering if they were testing me because they were shady shaman looking people, or they just wanted to know. So I thought about it for a bit then said "There are many reasons as to why someone would lack the courage to speak to a stranger, but I believe the best steps to take are small steps such as first meeting a friend of a friend while in the company of both." Then I looked at them and asked "So what is this problem you need help with anyway? I would be more than willing to help. I also remember feeling fat in the dream and at one point seeing myself in third person and thinking "When did I get that fat?!" Well, what do you chronic dreamers interpret this to be??
Well, I don't feel so much that I'm the smartest person in the room, so much as I don't get hung up on the material things that most other people around me with a consumer mindest seem to. I feel more like I have a clarified outlook on a bigger picture that others seem to miss. That's not to say I don't respect anyone's opinion! Far from it. I take opinions of others into consideration with a real empathy towards them always trying to find out why it is they feel or think the way they do, because understanding is important to me. But to be honest, I don't feel like I socialise with enough "academics" if you will to satisfy my want of a deep meaningful and philosophical conversation. As for people depending on me, I have no one depending on me nor anyone seeking my advice or help on anything at all besides the occasional jar my mother would like opened. So what do you think this means that my own mind would go so far as a flattery of myself when to be honest I'm not big on receiving praise for anything?