Hi, I had several dreams last night. 1. Broken tooth I had this tooth that was not completly in it's place. Nothing serious, but I tried to move it back to it's position. A part broke off. I was really afraid of people looking at me now really insecure. 2. Flying?(2 parts, A & B) A: I dreamed I was trying to fly but I couldn't. I did try by moving my arms like a bird's wings. It did not work. The dream ends. B: In the next dream I was flying, I was in a race. There were other people racing with me, and I became third. Everybody was amazed that I could fly and I was really happy in my dream. I flew in the same way as in Dream A, but this time it DID work. 3. Driving a car in the swamp I dreamed I was in the car but my mother was driving it as usual I can't drive yet, I am 15. However, we were on a very small, unknown road. It was dark, and all around us there was water. I was worried about everyone in the car. In my real life, I often take things over from other people because I can't stand it if they fail and possibly(and almost always) blaim me for not helping. The same happened in the dream, I wanted to take over the wheel but I couldn't because I can't drive. I was very afraid of falling in the dark, scary water. I've had this dream many times before, what does it mean? 4. I've had this dream a while back but I don't know if I got an answer so I still wonder what it means. I dreamed I was at the table, at home, and I was eating loads of glass. Thank you if you want to tell me the meaning of 1 or more of my dreams Rick
First of all, have you checked that you aren't having any dental problems in real life? Teeth can stand for power and control, so breaking a teeth can symbolize a fear of losing power. Flying could stand for rising above difficulties. The fact that you could not fly the first time, but could fly the second time could mean that you can overcome an obstacle, but it won't happen easily. It seems like the dream is showing a fear of something going wrong when you're not in control, which reflects how you really feel in real life. Because you've had the dream many times before, it might be a sign that the fear of not being in control is becoming a problem in real life. This dream and the teeth dream both have to do with feeling a lack of power. When you ate the glass, was it painful or did it make you feel ill?
Hi, Thank you for answering my dreams and giving their meanings. When I ate the glass, it did not hurt nor did it make me ill. Nothing happened I just ate it. this night, I dreamed I was flying again it was a really nice dream