About four years ago I started having this dream, I would have it agian every 6 to 7 months until Just last month I had it 4 nights in a row. I dont know what it means or why it keeps repeating. In the dream I am at my grandmothers house sitting at her dinning room table, (in the dream it is her old house before it was hit by a tornado 5 years ago) This dream feels so real, as if it is really happening. I am younger in the dream and I am sitting on a mans lap, I cant see him or see myself but in the dream I know I am sittin on a mans lap. I feel very unconfortable and feel that he is doing something that he shouldnt, then I hear him say "Shh its ok" then I wake up sweating everytime. My uncle lives with my grandmother and always has, I cant tell if its him in the dream or not, but I hate when I have this dream but I walways do, it never stops. I dont know what it means or how to deal with it.
When you say "doing something he shouldn't," I assume you mean molesting you. Where you ever sexually molested when you were younger? Did something awful happen to you in your aunt's house before it was destroyed by a tornado?
Yes that what I ment by "doing something he shoiuldnt". I dont know If i was ever molested. I thought maybe thats why I was having the dreams, I just dont think my Uncle would have done anything. I think I would remember if something happened. But people say that you can repress the moemories n block them out completely. So I dont know. I have looked in many books to see what this dream may mean, but have found no answers.
If you don't feel or remember being molested, chances are you were not. Did something happen to you when you were a child in your grandmother's house? It doesn't necessarily mean you were molested, but violated or abused in some other way? Perhaps a traumatic incident occurred and every once in a while something happens in reality that triggers the dreams.
Nothing happened that I can remember. So im not sure. Maybe the dream doesnt mean anything, I just dont know why it keeps repeating.