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Recurring dream character

Discussion in 'Your Dream Interpretation' started by backgroundc52, May 30, 2012.

Recurring dream character


    backgroundc52 New Member

    May 30, 2012
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    I used to dream about this girl, completely made up in my mind as far as i can tell, about once a week maybe less sometimes. I had a relationship with this girl in the dreams. I dreamt about her last night for the first time in a very long time. We were supposed to meet somewhere and I somehow got sidetracked to an airport or bus station something like that and it was pretty ridiculous that this would happen. I tried calling her to let her know that I was going to be late and that I'm sorry. She didn't answer. Than I called her again and she changed her voicemail to leave me a message and It was actually pretty lengthy explaining our relationship and she said at the end something like "You keep me waiting all the time. Let's see how you like it." And music starts playing on the phone and I know that I have to listen to the music till its stops playing and she answers me. I was waiting and holding on to the phone tight in my dream and than I woke up. And It probably sounds weird but it has affected me emotionally and I feel an intense attachment to this dream person. When I woke up I was scared to lose this dream character. And this is why I want to understand what it means.

    It made me wonder if it is possible for us to see other realities or to exist in another reality when we dream.

    Also, to maybe build some context here i currently have a girlfriend and 2 children. I honestly have no feeling towards an ex or anything like that. I am leaving the country in the next 2 weeks without them though and I wonder if that has something to do with the airport/bus station. But it doesn't explain the recurring character. That interests me a lot.
    Last edited: May 30, 2012

    BobW Moderator

    May 26, 2011
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    We're up against the questions like: What is "reality"? Are there "different" or "other" realities? Or are these just different aspects of a single reality?

    Have fun. Questions like this can drive you nuts faster than any Dream Girl and, if you'll check out my dream diary, (which is several episodes short of being complete), you'll see I speak from experience. Personally, I have no problem with dreams like this. Come-and-go girls like yours and my Susan are not competing with our waking loves so much as complementing them. Or, rather, they are no problem so long as they do not set out to compete.

    Unless you find that this character is getting in the way of, or jeopardizing, your marriage; I wouldn't worry. For what it's worth, I believe my "Susan" is intrapsychic and "a real person"; and don't really care in what way. Like your lady with her message and music, she and other dream characters keep sleep from being boring.

    backgroundc52 New Member

    May 30, 2012
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    I had completely forgotten about her until my dream last night. When i had dreams of her before it always made me think and i suppose feel something. But last night I had never felt an emotional reaction so strong to her. Certainly it is not anything endangering my waking relationship but it certainly caught my attention and now that I remember her (I did know her name once...) I really want to find her again and see if there is any significance or meaning behind her reappearance. I appreciate your reply BobW. Thanks.

    BobW Moderator

    May 26, 2011
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    Go back to what you remember of the earlier dreams and see if they don't suggest a significance or meaning.

    In my case, the first three dreams have always struck me as a "road not taken" or an "alternate past." Though much of the first one could be taken right out of the "real" 1965, a "Summer with Susan" would never have happened. Episode Three is set at a time where I'd soon be choosing whether to stay in the DC area where I grew up, and live the life of a "civil serpent" or Beltway Bandit, or return to live in the state where I'd gone to college. I chose the latter, and a radically different lifestyle. I'm persuaded that a big reason for those first three was to remind me that there had been another possibility - and, in the long run, to make me all the happier that I'd made the choice I did.

    I might say that your girl's remark about "You keep me waiting all the time" fits in with your remark that you'd entirely forgotten her. Give her credit. just as a "real" girl might, she's now made that quite unlikely. Most of us ignore most of our dreams most of the time. They have their ways of getting our attention, and teasing is one of them.

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