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Recent Dreams

Discussion in 'Your Dream Interpretation' started by Skye_Bird, Mar 7, 2007.

Recent Dreams


    Skye_Bird New Member

    Mar 7, 2007
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    In my latest dream, I was some sort of messanger person, delivering manuscripts to a girl I see at school everyday*. Suddenly, however, my plot takes a bizzare twist as I have to save a princess (represented in the dream by a poofy pink dress, no less), but she keeps running away. Meanwhile, I have to continue delivering the manuscripts to the orginal girl. Suddenly, it all changes, and as I'm delivering a manuscript a bunch of born-again Christians start to dance around me. They and my friend Lauren are all dancing nearby, and then they start testifying to each other (telling why they became Christian). I don't have a story, so Lauren goes up for me and says, "When Sarah was younger, she loved the Cat in the Hat." This elicits cheers from the audience, and I'm confused. Then everyone is dancing, and I wake up.

    The girl I deliver manuscripts to is one who my friends are not particularly close too, but who I get along with. The Christian people nearby are people who I go to school with. I went to Catholic school for 3 years, adn Lutheran school for 2 years after that.

    Any advice?
    sweet slumber

    sweet slumber Moderator

    May 14, 2005
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    Hi and Welcome!

    Being a messenger person and delivering a manuscript, in the context of the dream, could mean you are seeking truth and knowledge and want to share your ideas with others.

    Do you think you are getting a full education, and all that you need to know for the future, at the schools you have and are attending? Your "not having a story" indicates that you maybe feel empty inside and long for more.

    Keep seeking!

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