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Rarely remember dreams

Discussion in 'Your Dream Interpretation' started by chica, Sep 2, 2009.

Rarely remember dreams


    chica New Member

    Sep 2, 2009
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    I rarely remember my dreams and, much less, as vividly as the past two nights. Two nights ago, I dreamed that I was at home getting ready to go somewhere. I don't recognize this house, but it was brown. An unknown dog came into the hallway while I was in front of the mirror and a stranger came into view after the dog. I got the impression the man had broken into my house. Neighbors where in the dream, later, looking at the broken glass of the window. I remember being scared and nervous. Noone that I recognized was in my dream.
    Last night, I had another vivid dream. I work in a library and a teenager, who I have no relationship with, told me she was pregnant. (I wasn't in the library in my dream; I was in a classroom setting.) I gave her an informational pamphlet. I told a current co-worker the situation and she was upset because this girl was so young and was now pregnant. I saw the girl again, in my dream, at a restaurant setting. She gave my co-worker and I the pamphlet back because her Grandmother had found it on the coffee table and noone at her house needed it. Later on in the dream, my husband appeared and I was laying down on a table. My husband was trying to pick up my skirt or slip his hand under my skirt. Then, I was eatting a burger with my co-worker checking to make sure my burger didn't have pickles or onions. Weird. I never remember my dreams in the morning.

    Marcia Dream Fairy

    Feb 19, 2004
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    It sounds like that this dream has something to do with a change in our life that you expect to take place.

    In the first dream, you are getting ready to go somewhere.The second dream is about a girl being pregnant, and pregnancy in dreams often stands for the beginning of a new project or undertaking.

    A house in a dream can represent your self, so your house being broken into can mean that you feel that this change in your life is affecting your identity.

    How do you feel about dogs? Depending on your feelings about dogs and how the dog behaved in the dream, the dog can either represent security and loyalty, or a threat.

    The teenager could be you, and the classroom setting mean that you are worried that you need learn more before you take on something new in your life.

    Later she gives the pamphlet back - implying that you are confident and capable.

    Food and eating in dreams - the restaurant, the hamburger, can be sexual (particularly the burger with the pickle) - can have sexual symbolism, and since there was some real sexual action in the dream, it's possible that some of this dream was just a release of sexual tension, or the change in your life could have to do with something sexual or with a real pregnancy.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2018

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