I had a question, I very often have this same repeating dream. It happens before I actually fall asleep deeply. I have these 3 dreams, I was wondering if this has a name. 1. The most common one. I am standing at the stairs. I am dizzy, I know I am going to fall but I'm never prepared. Just before I hit something, I wake up. I am actually really shaking as if I am truly falling. I do not realise it is not real; I don't in any of these dreams. 2. I am behind a big horse, and just when I realise it is going to kick me, I wake up and still see my body shaking. 3. I am on a bike. I'm going really fast. I know I am going to fall. The bike hits the breaks so hard that I fall over the bike flying across the floor. Again, I wake up shaking. edit: 4. I have this one a lot too, my dad is in the car driving and we drive into the water. Because his car is high-tech, the doors cannot open underwater. The water is troubled and it is hard to what's out there. Everybody seems to remain calm yet I completly panic. The car also flips over to sides; it is not balanced. The water always come in yet I do not drown cause I wake up before that. If anyone could tell me how this is called, that would be great.Thanks
The first one, and maybe all of them, sounds like the sort of dream you get when you are very tired - usually when you've been staying up too late and not getting enough sleep for long periods of time, often because of your current lifestyle.
I think these dreams all have to do with part of your brain making sure your are just sleeping and not dying. That's why in the first three dreams your body jerks and wakes you up. The last dream, about drowning, could be a reminder from your brain to your body to keep breathing. As Maljonic said, these dreams tend to happen when you haven't been sleeping properly, so part of your brain gets a bit confused about what sleep is supposed to feel like. This doesn't mean that you are sick or dying, just that part of your brain has gotten slightly confused about the sleep cycle.