I had a dream last night that I was driving on the freeway. I kept getting lost, even though I was on the freeway. I kept taking the wrong exit, then when I went to get back on, I would get on the wrong entrance ramp. Then my gas light went on, so I had to find a gas station, but there were no exits anywhere around. I kept having to drive and drive with no gas, looking for an exit. When I finally found one, I got off to find that it was a scary, dangerous neighborhood and I didn't want to get gas there. So as I drove to get back on the highway, I got on the wrong one again and was lost once again. What could this mean?
It sounds like you aren't sure which direction to take in life, or you are worried that you have taken a "wrong turn" in life. Not being able to get gas could mean that you feel that you are running out of energy or you don't have the resources to achieve your goals.