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new member, weirded out, please share your views.

Discussion in 'Lucid Dreams and Dream Consciousness' started by nexttc, Jan 21, 2012.

new member, weirded out, please share your views.


    nexttc New Member

    Jan 21, 2012
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    This may be a massive wall of text when I'm done. Sorry.

    Me (27) and my girlfriend (22) moved out of our house about three weeks ago and our new place wasn't ready. So we are staying in a rather new hotel studio place. It's actually kinda nice. Anyways ever since we have been here we have both been dreaming non stop while we sleep. It seems we each have multiple dreams each night, weird dreams, not horrible ones just weird. Random people neither of us have spoken to in a long time POP into our dreams. We can both remember parts of our dreams but not much. It also seems we cannot sleep at all really, both seeing every hour on the clock nightly.

    Before we moved.from our home I would have a random here and there dream, nothing conssitant. Nothing like I have been since being here..

    Could this hotel have anything to do with why I'm dreaming so much or maybe the situation we are in. We just don't understand how we can go from the once in a while dreaming to the multiple everynight dreams we both are having..

    Thanks for the input. I'm gonna troll threads and read up while waiting for replys.

    nexttc New Member

    Jan 21, 2012
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    A lil update.

    Finally after weeks of being here and dreaming random stuff, ee both slept thru the night and cannot recall any dreams. I find this really strange. The night after we discuss it and I made the original post about it we had no dreams that we cam recall.

    Marcia Dream Fairy

    Feb 19, 2004
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    It probably had to do with moving to a new place. Your brain was getting used to the new environment. You might have been getting used to different food, especially if you don't have facilities to cook for yourselves. If you moved to another time zone or a another latitude, that also would have affected your sleep cycle. Or you might have been waking up a lot in the middle of the night because of things like unfamiliar sounds, and you don't remember waking up but it has affected your sleep cycle.

    I imagine that you have also been stressed and have had a lot on your mind since you don't have a permanent place to live in yet, which was affecting your dreaming.

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