I've had flying dreams a lot and they are always enjoyable ones that I am in control of. In this one I was flying around then I landed in the backyard of the house I grew up in. Once landed someone, I did not see who, was beside me and they said it would it would help me fly if I fed the birds. We fed the birds together, then the person said 'you know there's no such thing as space and time' and then I took off on another flight. This time I was able to fly at tremendous speed and in the distance I saw a portal, which was an area that gave the landscape the effect that you were looking at it in rippled water. I flew inside to another realm/dimension? and then I woke up???????
Freedom Flying would represent a sense of freedom from restrictions. Your dreams obviously represent a lot of that. My guess would be that lately you have been feeling a bit tied down perhaps because of responsibilities or other frustrations and you need to run away or fly away in your case, into another realm ? What did you feel when you flew into another realm? Did you feel joy, freedom? Hope this gives some clues. Cheers, Pooja. PS: Its very common to have dreams where you see yourself flying.
When i eneterd the new realm i woke up suddenly because i was apprehensive about entering a new world.....
Hi johnboy, Perhaps the part where you feed the birds is a metaphor for your earthly responsibilities. The part where you dared not enter into the new realm could mean fear of taking risks.