In a dream of mine I was naked but didn't feel shame or Pride. Rather, I was indifferent to the nakedness. I just felt normal. It wasn't until my husband had pointed out the inappropriateness of me being naked in the situation that I felt embarrassed. Any thoughts on this?
Being naked in a dream and feeling comfortable about it can have to do with wanting to be yourself, to be honest about what you want and who you are. It can also have to do with wanting to regain the freedom and lack of responsiblity that you had when you were very young. It's interesting that your husband is the one who points out that you are not appropriately dressed, which makes you feel ashamed. Do you feel that he stifles you or that you sometimes can't be yourself when you are with him, or that after you got married you lost part of your true self or you've taken on too many responsibilities?
No I wouldn't say he stifles me. He does often try to get me to think a little more before I speak or act.