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My friend had this dream..

Discussion in 'Your Dream Interpretation' started by MangoBar, Apr 19, 2012.

My friend had this dream..


    MangoBar New Member

    Apr 19, 2012
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    It was based off of me and my other friend. I was appalled at first because I woke up around the same time he did and got on my phone because I felt that he needed to talk to me, which he did. (lol so strange.)

    His dream was strange. Really strange. Honestly, if you're below the age of 13, I wouldn't recommend you attempt to answer this question.
    I'll run you through the dream: He was talking to me in his dream, and I had this huge hole in my stomach. Around.. 4 inches or so and there were these two men treating my wound. He blanked out in his dream and before he knew it, I was having sex with the two men. My other friend popped in too but he seemed to be paying more attention to me (we're quite close friends). He was horrified to see me do such actions because I personally, do NOT like sex. In his dream, I had a smile on my face and appeared to really enjoy it. He also said that I mentioned something about fancying really manly guys during it. He blanked out once more and thought he woke up but nope. Didn't wake up. Just another scene of what I said above. He then woke up for real and started telling me about it straight away.

    He said that he had a feeling he knew me in the dream (well, yes. he did know me but.. didn't KNOW me if you know what I mean @_@) and as soon as he saw that, he felt so betrayed and hurt.

    What do you think his dream meant? I'm going to become a pornstar or something..? (Just kidding)

    I would also like to know.. why did he feel betrayed and hurt? I can't really think of a solution to that one.. is it because I'm someone who's really close to him, and he never thought I was that kind of person? (which I'm not, btw.)

    Marcia Dream Fairy

    Feb 19, 2004
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    The stomach is associated with emotions. When your friend saw you with a big hole in our stomach, it could mean that he feels that you have been emotionally wounded in someway.

    Since you somehow sensed that he needed to talk to you, the two of you must have a very close connection, so it makes sense that he would be able to feel that he can sense this in you.

    His seeing you having sex when he knows that you don't like sex could mean that he is concerned that you are behaving in a way that is against your true nature. That could be why he felt betrayed and hurt, because he feels that you don't feel comfortable enough with yourself when he has tried to make you happy with yourself.

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