Hi, I don't post on here too often but I can't let these dreams keep me back. A couple of nights ago I had this crazy dream that my husband and I were at his parents house and in my dream I had to go to the bathroom, so I go into the bathroom and there is water all over the place in the bathroom except for the tub which there were cases of Coca Cola. Anyway the water was exploding out of the sink, I was trying to sit on the toilet seat and then I woke up. Just a short fast dream. Now, to last night, my husband and his parents had a big blowout with each other. I had no idea this fight was coming and no idea what was going on beforehand. Could this have been a dream about that? Now to today. I had dreams last night that my husbands neighbor was moving out, which he is going to be soon. In this dream we were moving out too, I don't know why. My husband didn't look good in this dream almost like he couldn't do anything. Well when I was up this morning on the computer as normal, my husband cried out, I went to see what was wrong, by the time I had gotten in there he fell out of bed. Needless to say, got him to hospital and finally found out what was wrong, it was a very long day. We were there 6 hours. So could that dream have been warning me that something bad was going to happen. I do tend to dream alot about something and a couple of days later something will happen and the dream will make sense even though that is not what I dreamt about. I always feel that I have these premonitions. My grandmother used to have dreams but her dreams were exactly what was going to happen in the future. I like having these dreams but they freak me out, not knowing what will happen in the future. Thanks
Wow! Perhaps there is some psychic intuition going on. There have been plenty of documented cases where people have dreamed such things and they've occured. you may find this interesting