My Brother Got in a Coma Short dream... My whole family and I were at a gathering. Streamers, balloons and all. We were having fun, and it was a fairly social party. I saw the guy I had feelings for, and he said hi to me. I said hi back. I didn't know why he was at the gathering. My cousins, brother, aunt and I then appeared in what looked to be a bedroom from my old home. The bedroom had a double decker bed. 2 of my cousins and I were on the top level of the bed. We then watch my brother jump on my aunt's back from the door, and she was pretty short. Like 5'4. And my brother was 5'3. But my brother held onto my aunt pretty tightly, and she walked from the door to my other cousin near the bed. When she started talking to my cousin, she pushed my brother of her back. My brother fell pretty quickly to the ground, and his head bounced off the ground. It was horrible, so horrible that I felt myself cry in real life when I was dreaming this... I cared a lot for my brother. I was screaming, and trying to call 911 for my brother. My brother was unconscious, and his left eye was bleeding. The ambilance came quickly, and everyone from the room got into the ambulance with my unconscious brother. I was crying and holding onto my brother for the whole duration of the trip to the hospital. When we all got to his ER, the doctor told us he got into a coma for 2 weeks. When I heard this, I felt so angry at my aunt for doing this terrible thing to him... I'd appreciate any interpretation, thank you~
In your dream, it is your brother who starts the trouble by jumping on your aunts back, and it seems like your aunt is only defending herself when she pushes him off her back. Do you feel like your brother is behaving in a way that is going to get him into trouble? Could somebody else you know (even yourself) be acting that way?