Last night my partner and I had a disagreement which resulted in the folowing dream although I'm not sure just how it relates... I was a teenager and my mum had decieded to move house without telling me. We arrived at a house in Forest road. I had my current dog with me and in the front yard of next door the bloke had 3 animals - one of which seemed rather threatening but under control. I went into the house and found that mum and I were sharing it with a woman. The bedroom I was given was tiny and had childish wallpaper all over it. I was very unhappy and angrey and told mum that she should have consulted me before moving. I said "if we're both unhappy, what's the point of moving" -(I actually said this alound in my sleep). Then the other woman threw my dog at me - which hurt her back when she landed on the ground. This made me rather upset and I said I was going to move out (despite the fact I was a mere teenager). Later in the dream I was walking my dog down Forest road and came across several big, nasty dogs which despite seeming threatening didn't come too near us. Any thoughts????
It sounds like you are feeling angry about not having control over something. Does this have anything to do with the fight with your partner?
I would venture that while you state in the dream you are a teenager, you are not too far from that fact in real life. Perhaps early 20's? That aside, seems that things are truly out of your control, and you feel surrounded by viciousness and unhappiness. That you know the road's name may indicate you are familiar with your surroundings in your dream. Has anything ever taken place during real time on that Road that upset you or scared you? OR, do you seek that place out as a safe place, and now it seems to be threatening?