My name is Ivor and i reside in the U.K. I find dreams really interesting and i would like to understand all of the weird symbols, people, events and actions that happen in our dream world. I joined this group to hook up with like minded souls so that i can carry out dream interviews with people from different cultures and backgrounds. If any memebers are interested in shareing their dreams, i am looking for dream partners to interview. If you have skype or gmail lets chat. Dream On!
As to those "weird" symbols, people and what have you, if you'll scroll to the top of the page you'll see a "Dream Dictionary" link you can click on. Unlike many such dictionaries, this deals less in precise (and seldom useful) definitions than in discussions of possibilities. As even the most universal symbols and archetypes are usually "personalized" and involve some sleuthing on the dreamer's part, this can be a useful tool. As to the thrust of your request, I'd suggest that, instead of resorting to skype, gmail or other off-site tools, you start a dream diary here and post your dreams there, each as a separate entry. The comments made might well lead to a discussion, and even some form of interview. Should highly personal issues arise, they could be discussed by private message. I invite you to read my diary and make such comments/ask such questions as you wish. As it is a series, covering more than three decades and not yet completed, I'd suggest you begin with Episode 1.