Like the title of the thread states this is what i dreamt last night. I saw a snake swimming in the water approach the land near where i was standing and felt repulsion towards it. I looked at it lie in the ground with another fat one that looked more like leech than snake. Immediately, i looked around, spot a wooden stick, grab it, press into the ground and try to choke the snake to death. I succeed, but the snake is very powerful but my anger is more potent, thus swarming what seemed its small tail hard into my arms trying to knock me down almost succeeding. But i finally kill it and i'm about to kill the fatter one lying near by but sensing me approach it slithers back into the river and escapes. I remember the water in my dream is blue, calm, and i can see through it because it seems very clean. Thoughts?
I think the fact that you kill the thinner snake but not the fat one means that you have been focusing on the wrong problem.