I had a series of dreams a few months ago, in which every dream ended by a homeless, crazy man crawling up to my left leg and grabbing onto my ankle. He never let go, no matter how many times I tried to shake him off. I even throw pointy objects, smacked him, punched him and even the other people in my dreams sometimes tried to help pull him off. But he never lets go. Sometimes I get the feeling that he is going to bite my ankle and rip it off, but he never does. I just feel like he has the capacity for very evil things. He came back again in my dream yesterday. The man has a long, tangled mass of gray-white hair and is always dressed in an over-sized red flannel work shirt. He is always very quicklycrawling on his hands and knees, and always seems to pop out of any available empty doorway. When he talks to himself, you can see his rotted yellow teeth and sometimes I catch snippets of what he says. But I heard one thing most clearly yesterday. Instead of being insane gibberish, I heard him say, "Too late." And he laughed. The sight of this man terrifies me so much. I'd give anything to understand why he appears in my dreams and why he scares me so.
Yikes! That is creepy! The man could represent something or someone in your life that won't let go. It could be an authority figure like a parent. Next time he appears, try to ask him what he wants.