last night: I'm riding my bike past Dodlin Rd (where a childhood friend once lived). At the end of the driveway I see a little girl about 2 or 3 yrs. of age laying down on the dirt road surrounded by ants. She appears to be trying to catch them with her tongue. Another girl, about 12 is pulling up grass and eating it. I rode my bike down a path and it got thicker, so I went back onto the road. I ended up at a house on Dodlin where the young girl is making somehting in a bowl, stirring and stirring. I look and see and it appears to be oatmeal and sugar. I keep telling her "You've got to put flour in it!" A little while later, she is sitting on the couch still stirring and I go over to her to ask her if she put flour in it. She looks ahead with a blank stare and now she's holding a cat. I tap her on the should and keep insisting, "Did you put flour in it?" She gets up off the couch and I see there are "things" on it that resemble long sprouts that move like worms. I'm freaking out and I see these things are on my hand and resemble small-like white grains of rice. There are some bigger ones like the ones on the couch on my shoulder and I'm yelling, "I'm infected, I'm infected!" end Disturbing. I hope I'm not coming down with a virus. :shock:
You also had the other dream with the guy who now has HIV in it, I suppose it could be the time of year - colds and flus etc.