I've been having this internal conflict for about half a year now because I have been starting to feel something for my best guy friend. I keep on getting mixed signals from him. So I've been terrified of ever telling him something even though I really want to know whats going on between us. I dreamt last night that we went out again like usual,and I was so in pain for liking him and seeing him with other girls, that I left and went to go on a boat. When he noticed, he chased after me and asked me why I was leaving. I turned around after he kept insisting and told him " I love you". He was shocked, but then smiled. Later he asked me to touch him, and I touched his arm. He asked me if I felt anything strong, and in that moment I felt a huge force, like maybe even real love, idk... What does this all mean, should I confront him???
How did you feel after you told him in your dream? Did you feel relieved? What do you have to lose if you tell him? I think the worst that can happen is he will tell you he only likes you as a friend, and then you won't have to worry about it anymore.