12-26-07 Had another dream last night where past and current job(s) are intertwining. In this one, I'm in a big gymnasium on a school campus. It and the lobby area remind me of my old high school. I'm there to go to class, but I'm confused too because I know the students have gym in their freshman year. The student I work with in my current job is a junior and I'm thinking that I don't need to be in gym class. I show up in the gym wearing my gym clothes from high school but their faded as if aged. In reality, they would be if I still had them since I've been out of school for 25 years. Then a former co-worker of mine from the wood mill shows up and informs me that she thinks I need to be in ? class (don't remember where she said). I'm now wearing regular clothes and see my old gym clothes on the floor and dusty. I pick them up. Then I find myself outside at a political rally. Memory of the dream fades after that.