hi, my name is Lorelei and I'm new here. now i feel the need to make a big old introduction before i get to the actual dream, but please try and bear with me? :angel: i came here because there's a dream that's been bugging me since July last year, and no 'dream dictionaries' or anything ever helped me out with it, and i was wondering if any of you had a speck of insight. 8) i found the description i wrote of it the morning after i had it, and i guess i'll post it here. i will give some background information, though: 'M' is someone that i've been in love with for almost two years. the text has not been altered except to exclude names (i'm paranoid)... and some people think my narration and typing style is weird. but yeah. A bunch of people (the only people I knew were 'K' and 'G') were on a school bus on a field trip to somewhere. We went to a Catholic school. So we're on this bus and lots of unimportant stuff happens. Anyway, finally we get to this underground place, where these Greek Gods are, and we have to do something... i forget what... or else we're going to be killed. Anyway, it involved needing lots of water. So, smart me, I meditated the water into existance. We were allowed to leave even though we all had our hair mysteriously dyed afterwards. My 'mom,' this blonde lady, comes and picks me up from the Paris airport. We take the metro to her apartment, where we meet up with my newlywed 'stepfather.' On the way there, all I could think was how to ask for a cigarette in French. Unimportant stuff happens at the apartment. My dream starts from the beginning. We are on the bus, I am sitting somewhere else, next to 'G', in fact. Something happens on the way there and in a way, our bus was hijacked (lmao I can't explain it any other way). We get back to that underground place. 'K,' 'G' and I try to do the same thing as before and it doesn't work. So everyone has to die. It wasn't like, a painful or scary death. It was kinda like a light beam came after you and you were dead. At first I was scared, but then I realized that I was going to be reincarnated anyway. A dark figure is doing this, and he calls about 4 people at a time. I hear 'M's' name and I say to someone 'Did I hear right?! 'M' *********?!' 'Yeah.' He and three others were taken to an even lower level and I follow. I run up to him (he, for some reason, has short curly hair) and he embraces me and we talk and kiss (a lot) and all that junk. I noticed idley that he has a ring. I say to him, 'Listen, I know that in this life we fucked up, and since we can't get back together in August like I know we were going to, I was wondering if we could try again in the next life.' He enthusiastically says yes. I ask the guy how our relationship is gonna be in the next life (didn't sound too good), so I said 'Aww, we're not soulmates?...' 'No.' 'Aww, well, we can still try again...' Just as about the guy is about to kill us, he notices the ring too and asks to see it. He looks at it, and says something about King Arthur? I don't remember. Anyway, that meant we could go into our next life in a current ages and not have to wait for us to be together. The dream ends with a futuristic building appearing where we meet on the balcony. so um. yeah that's my dream. 'mom' is in quotes because i am eastern european descent and have dark complexion, but the 'mom' has blonde hair, blue eyes, fair skin. i note 'M's' hair because physically, it's very long, wavy and blonde. in the dream it was all out curly and short, but still blonde. so, if you're still with me, thank you so much for at least reading. if you have anything you could possibly contribute, i'd appreciate it SO MUCH. Thanks, Lorelei
The trip on the bus can represent your journey through life. The hijacking can stand for something that has caused your plans in life to change. The fact that you weren't bothered about death because you knew you would be reincarnated means that you realize that sometimes change is for the best. The talk about getting back together with M is probably just speculation about possibilities. But I don't understand if in real life you are in a relationship with him now, were in a relationship with him but broke up, or what.