I had a dream last night that im perplexed about and was hoping i could get some feedback, from anyone. I remember holding my brother, he was a child at this point, in the backyard of the house where we were raised. From that point on images of his life, were passing in front of us. I remember seeing some of the old resturants we used to go to as kids. In my dream sequence, quickly - he was much older as if he was in his 20's. He showed me where he used to live when he was in the Army, in a different state. I remember making the comment that the weather was very similar to Colorado. At that point different images from his life were passing before us. At that point i remember taking him to Heaven, upwards, as if releasing him. I could see my mother when her head down, seeing images of his life pass before her. She was wearing a teal nightgown, which she used to wear often when we were kids. In the dream she was sad, flat affect. After that dream sequence everything went black, there was nothing else to see. This was a very emotional dream, i woke up wondering if my brother was okay. At this time in my life, im getting ready to start a new job, perhaps this is a dream of transition??? Any other thoughts out there?
Yes, it could be a dream about your transition. Is your brother older or younger than you? I'm asking because I wonder if in a way, you see him as a model for yourself.
Hi Marcia, thanks for your reply....actually my brother is just 1 year younger than me. We are close, but since i moved about 2.5 hours away i see him only about 1x a month.