I had this dream a couple of weeks ago and can't seem to get it off my mind. It was a very REAL type dream. I was riding a bear down a familar road. The bear and I seemed to be friends. We was running very fast and seem to be happy. We came beside a field were there was other bears. The bear I was riding wanted to join the others and for some reason I got scared and jumped off the bear and hid at my fathers house(I also lived there when I was young ) I looked out the window and the bear wad sniffing around looking for me. At that time I started to panic and woke. Sence the dream I ran across a picture of a woman riding a bear and it kinda took me back to this dream.
I think the bear represents a powerful force/strength inside you that you want to become more familiar with but at the same time you are afraid you won't be able to control. The bear wants to join the other bears because it recognizes what it is and wants to be with other creatures that are like it. In the same way, the dream is telling you that you have to recognize and accept who you are.