It's been ages since I've had a dream significant enough to record, let alone remember. So I thought I'd share this one in the open interpretation forum in addition to the dream journals section. Here goes: -------------------------------------------------------------------- A friend and me are in my room and a guy named Dave shows up to visit. He is young (my age in the dream is not evident) and a musician in a band and goes to our school (it’s been a looooooong time since I’ve been in high school).. We laugh and joke and he tells us about getting an agent to promote them. I’m thinking “why bother because it’s just a shitty cover band” but he seems psyched that they may have a gig in Moscow Russia. I’m thinking “that’s going a long way away just to suck.” but anyway. Then we meet him again at school and he introduces us to the rest of the band and we hang out at recess eating greenery. One dumbass asks “What’s greenery?” We point to our pea pods and asparagus as if to say what do you think? Then me and my friend are hanging out in my room again and talk show host and crazy conspiracy theorist Alex Jones shows up and starts to tell us about a band he likes. We laugh and say we had a musician in our room yesterday. Then we’re back at the playground recess area and Donald Trump is in what appears to be a wash tub and soaking naked in it covered in suds. I’m thinking I hope he scrubs himself away. End Have no idea what inspired the first part of the dream. As for the part with Alex Jones and Donald Trump, that's news residue. And it's disturbing.
The part about the musician makes you think you are questioning your own abilities. I've never heard the word "greenery" used in reference to food. Must be a regional thing.
The whole dream was like I was someone else or another character taking over my body. So I don't know what to make of it. I'm always questioning my own abilities but for some reason, that interpretation doesn't resonate here. Reading it again it may be going back to a more innocent time when high school was all you had to worry about and the conversations that were important were typical garden variety teen gossip and sarcasm. Then it morphs into a freakish reality show featuring real life freaks that influence culture.