2-27-08 The first part of the dream has faded, but the second part I remember because I subconsciously knew I could control it. I'm with a group of people, staying at a cabin in the woods and it's nighttime. I think that I'm bored and want to change the course of the dream and realize that I can. I begin flying high. I resemble a mythical angel. The people look up at me and I tell them that "I am clear." I don't mean clear in the transparent sense, but clear as in all sensing and not burdened by the world and its problems. I fly to a wooden cathedral that resembles THIS inside. I decide to have a midnight rendezvous, but with whom? I decide to let the dream decide. A priest appears and he's the actor Brent Spiner who played Data in Star Trek: The Next Generation. He has lustful feelings for the angel me and feels guilty. We make love in a celestial whirlwind. When it's over, I fly out the cathedral window and he stands in awe. end Pretty cool, eh? :sun: