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Flooded City Dream

Discussion in 'Your Dream Interpretation' started by Magiknight, Sep 10, 2009.

Flooded City Dream


    Magiknight New Member

    Jun 2, 2009
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    Well, this is the fourth dream in the sequence. I have
    been writing down my dreams in a journal since 1992.
    During that time, I gained the ability to perceive some
    of the symbols directly and I can see the influence of
    my shadow quite easily.

    The four dreams represent something happening in my
    personal life. The fourth dream shows the obvious
    connection. Here it is.

    In this dream, my family and I are in town. We go to partys
    and have fun. We live in a big city with a very tall building.

    Off in the distance, I can see a split in the hills. Through
    the split pours an enormous amount of water. The entire city
    is going to flood. There are huge waves of water.

    We start to run to the tallest building to get to the highest
    floor or the roof. But we are too late and the water takes
    over. We have to swim but I am convinced that we will be

    The water floods up to us and around us. We swim to the top
    floor of the tallest building which is now flooded. The
    entire city is under water. The cars on the roof of the
    building are under water. We stop on the roof and the
    water stops rising at our chests.

    We move around in the water trying to avoid electrical
    cables and other floating items. The water starts to
    recede. As the water level lowers, people form a line
    to leave the building. We are walk down the stairs
    single file.

    Suddenly part of the building colapses on top of me.
    It drags me down to the bottom of the flood waters.
    I can see a person in the building laughing as the
    building falls onto me. There are no details that
    I can see but he seems very familiar.

    I am under the water, at the bottom and I can't get
    away because of the wall that is on top of me.
    I notice a small opening near the corner and I pull
    it open to escape. Through the entire process, I have
    a strange feeling of confidence that we will be fine.

    There is some anarchy due to the flood and devastation
    of the city. Some of the young men start a fight club
    in the building. They invite me but I don't join.
    There is one huge guy that gets into the fray and
    everybody stops because he is so huge.

    There is some music and revelry near the roof after
    the water recedes. I notice some actors and actresses
    doing a play but I stay away because I am helping my

    I look down at the ground and it is still flooded. All
    the cars in the parking lot are under water. It occurs
    to me that they are junk and will not work anymore.
    I wonder if i can restart my car after I find it.

    I wake up.


    The most interesting part about this dream for me was
    my constant feelings of confidence that we would be fine.
    This seems so out of context in a dream about flooding
    and a near death experience. I was completely perplexed
    about this and possibly it is a fantasy injected into the
    dream to smooth over the fear.

    But I did have a thought that maybe it is hope that I will
    eventually be fine after my personal life settles down.
    I thought of this while comuting to work and it brought
    tears to my eyes because my life is a wreck as portrayed
    in the dream.

    Oh well, any comments are welcome.

    sweet slumber

    sweet slumber Moderator

    May 14, 2005
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    A very visual dream. Thanks for sharing.

    Flood waters could be a symbol of the emotions. Since you say your life is currently a wreck, that explains the imagery. But the fact that you braved it so well in the dream could be a reflection of your ability to handle life crisis in reality.

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