This isnt the first dream ive had where i end up falling, but by far the scariest. It starts off with me driving on a road im not familiar with. My fiance is in the passenger seat and my newborn baby boy is in the back, both asleep. It is night time and i can tell im getting tired. As i round a corner i swerve miss a dead animal. This happens 2 more times. I drive for a little bit longer and almost hit an alligator (i live in northern arkansas, that isnt common). It is at this point that i am no longer on a road but a rock ledge that is getting narrow. By the time i realize this we tip over the edge. I scream for my fiance then wake up.
Animals in dreams often have to do with instinctive drives that you may be repressing, so the dead animals that you miss could be represent feelings that you had that you thought you were dead, or could have to do with a feeling of being "dead inside". An alligator is often a symbol of primitive unconscious emotions. Did you really just have a baby in waking life? Alligators are also known for having very strong maternal instincts and being very protective of their young, so that could be significant. Also, if you have a new baby, your hormones are probably making some primitive instincts rise to the surface. At the same time, you could just be feeling "dead tired" and maybe too busy thinking about the baby's needs to think about your own needs. The falling could have to do with having too much to handle and feeling out of control, or having fallen into something that seems to be too much for you. If you didn't actually have a baby in waking life., the baby in your dream could stand for something new in your life.
Do you in the waking world feel you have alot to deal with? This feels like your world is matter how hard you try you can't control whats happening...hence maybe you feel that way in real life?