9-22-10 In one sequence, I'm observing a man in a cowboy suit bleeding profusely from a wound in his head and he's moaning in agony. Apparently he had been shot. Like the other scenes, it was part of a larger dream but I've forgotten most of it except the most violent. Another scene I go to a movie, but the screen is on a wall and about the size of a picture frame. I've had dreams with scenes like this before in the past. This time, I sit to watch and it's like 3D and reality, but it's still a movie. Someone has a man by his penis while he's on the other side of the wall/screen. The person has a drill in hand and proceeds to drill into the penis. There's a massive amount of blood then the drill comes out with some organs, like a bladder, coming out. end Yes, it's gross and disgusting, but there it is. That was the sum of my dreams last night. Horrible stuff. much of it escapes me now. A couple of things---I learned that my nephew was injured in Afghanistan. He's a soldier in the army and his convoy got hit by an IED. I learned this today and had the dreams last night. A sixth sense maybe? I'm also currently working two jobs and am feeling the strain. It's weird going from nothing and living off savings to working 7 days a week. But I'm grateful I'm finally getting back on my feet, but the weekend job is stressful, full of stupid rules and a co-worker who goes out of her way to write you up for any stupid thing.
Well, it certainly seems like you are dealing with a lot of stress and worry (and probably not enough sleep.) I hope your nephew will be on the mend.
Thanks. My nephew is doing much better. I just wish Obama would end this goddamn war and sent the troops home! Another weird thing. I learned when I went into my Friday night shift that a co-worker, and my favorite staff member at the residential home, died suddenly Tuesday. This was the day before the dream. I don't think the dream and the death are connected. My co-workers death was natural causes, most likely a cerebral accident. She complained of severe headaches and seeing auras a couple of weeks ago and went to the hospital. They told her it was just migraines. They were wrong. But this adds to my stress level because she was like my rock, a buffer to the cranky old bat I work with on Saturday and Sunday. Well, time to take my shower and hit the hay. :sleep: Wish me sweet slumber.
Thanks. She would be 47 next month. 2 yrs younger than me. It won't be the same working there now. She worked a difficult shift--9 p.m. to 9 a.m 3 days a week. She was responsible for getting the ladies their breakfast, dressed, showered, and any other grooming and hygiene necessary. On Friday mornings, it was getting them off to their day programs with packed lunches and medications, in between dividing her attention between the two, which included butt wiping and denture cleaning.