I really do not remember my dream much but I rememer some stuff. My dream: I was running, heartbroken of what I had saw. The love of my life [in my dream] had cheated on me. That guy was Robert Pattison, but he was Edward Cullen [the vampire from Twilight] in my dream. I ran and I saw a friend of mine. Then 'Edward' got to me and told me that he want to be with me and he was completely in love with me. He kissed me and I woke up...my heart beating fast and I lost most of my breath.
Could it be leftover images from the movie? Is the thought of being taken by a vampire romantic to you in a way?
idk. no. i saw twilight over winter break...early december. i havent even thought of it. but since i saw it..i liked vampires.. but i havent even thought of vampires.