lastnight i dreamed the color purple ,,i have no idea if this has any meaning ,,i cannot remember anything about the dream except i was on a road and everything was purple ..oh i know this is odd but i wondered if purple has any meaning, i am sorry if this is a bother to you , i am just now going through alot of change , alot of ups and downs and i am trying to heal ,,,is this just odd or am i going crazy? i almost made it to the top of this purple road on a hill but i didnt get there. do people dream in color ?is this normal? lor. :cry:
people do indeed have these dreams, some people all the time and some people more rarely; there's even a page about it here: Colors and dreams bear in mind that purple is mostly blue, with a hint of red.
thankyou that really about sums up my life right now .i really am so grateful for your help ,,i have spent my life trying to figure out these dreams and what they mean . i do have one more dream i wonder if it isnt a problem i will post it , it is also a dream i had when my grandfather died,, i will post it if you let me know it is ok. thankyou. lor.