I have never had a problem with self-mutilation before but I had the weirdest dream the other night. It has made me nauseous and unable to eat since. Here it goes.... I thought that I was hungry and should eat. I then started to peel the skin off my left arm from my wrist to the middle of my forearm. I then started sto remove the skin from my fingers and I watched in fascination as I started to disarticulate each joint. I realized I was no longer doing this for food but kept going. I then kinda woke up while in the dream and started to freak out about what I was doing. I started asking myself what I would tell the ambulance when they would pick me up (after calling first, of course). I decided that a lawn mower accident was the best excuse and then as I picked up the phone, I woke up in real life. I woke up and stared at my arm, completely freaked out. I have been nauseous since and had to turn down going to a barbecue the next day for fear of vomiting at the sight of meat. What the hell does all that mean?
Freaky! What's "eating" you? This is the theme of the dream. There's a problem buried in your subconscious that you haven't brought to the surface (skin) yet.